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Dear Friends,

It is with great joy to announce the Perimeter Security Wall Project is complete! Our prayer was to have it finished and paid in-full before Christmas. Attacks on schools and churches are on the rise right now, so we are very thankful God has answered our prayers. On behalf of the children and staff, we extend our gratefulness to each donor who participated in the financial sponsorship of this priority project. May God bless you for making our children’s safety a top priority. They fall asleep at night feeling loved and very secure!

How Does PPMU Fund Priority Projects?

When we determine a priority project is needed, Innocent will acquire an engineer report, a statement of work, an estimated cost for the entire project, and a payment schedule from the contractor. It is reviewed by PPMU's Board of Directors and voted on. Once approved, we'll send out an appeal to raise the starter funds. We don't take out loans. Work begins when funds come in. Updates and appeals are sent to donors until the project is paid for. We’ve seen God move in the hearts of donors. They get excited when they can invest in tangible projects that benefit the ministry.

We keep Priority Project Funds separate from Operational Funds. Monthly operational expenses are paid through recurring monthly donations designated as “operational.” We also offset operational expenses from income generating activities like our dairy cows, farmland lease, and taxi van service. This helps keep expenses as low as possible.

By faith, prayer, and your partnership, we continue to grow and have accomplished a lot for God’s people!