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Once again, our Gleaning Ministry delivered food goods to hill-country families outside Kabale, Uganda. The unexpected gifts literally bring, not just food, but a reminder that God loves them, and they are not forgotten.

This month, a single mom was surprised by the food gift and thanked God for hearing her cries. A lame elderly man whose wife was swept away in the rainy season flash-flooding received comfort in his time of grief along with the much-needed food. He resides with two grandchildren. A single dad of four was equally blessed and encouraged when he discovered he would receive extra food for his family.

Upon receiving her gift, a mom of four who serves her local church as an usher said, "God never stops to amuse His followers. This blessing fell on us like rainfall unexpectedly. That's how God works." And finally, a woman with special needs welcomed the surprise gift of food. With no access to mental health services, special need care is left to the generosity of family or neighbors.

The smiling gentleman in the orange shirt is a retired church leader who now serves as a government appointed community leader. We look to the recommendation of community leaders like him to identify families in greatest need. Food gifts can provide up to two-weeks of food for one family. Each recipient is encouraged to share the extra food with their neighbors as a sign of love. There is no hesitation – they gladly share with one another. What a testimony.

"What should we do then? the crowd asked. John answered, 'Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.’" Luke 3:10-11 (NIV)

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