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In response to the deadly attack on the Mpondwe Lhubiriha Secondary School this June, the Ugandan government has strongly recommended that all institutions have a security grade wall around their campus perimeters. You may recall the attack that left 38 school children dead. Six other students were kidnapped and forced to carry stolen goods for the rebels across the border into the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The militant group who made the attack, are said to be linked to the Islamic State, so Christian entities may be at greater risk.

Our ministry founder and director, Innocent Mucunguzi has asked the PPMU Board of Directors to begin fundraising to build a perimeter security wall around our orphanage/school. Given the severity of the recent attack, we find it imperative to enhance the safety and security of our young students and staff, aiming to deter any potential wrong doers.

At present, our school has a dilapidated front gate with a partial structure extending from it (see photos above). This provides little to no security. When we purchased the school complex in December 2017, we began prioritizing construction projects. There was no threat of attack at the time, so we rebuilt our boys/girls latrines, kitchen building, classrooms, and drilled a deep water well. God faithfully has seen each of these projects through to completion.

Once again, we are stepping out in faith that God will enable PPMU to raise the $9000 (US) needed to build a security wall around our entire perimeter. The seven-foot-tall structure will be made of brick and cement with long shards of broken glass inserted into the top to further deter unwanted intruders. A new entrance gate with the ability to lock is included in the quote. Our current building contractor will oversee construction and has agreed to begin Phase I with a down payment of $2600. They will start at the front of the school and finish at the back as funding allows.

Would you help us raise the $9000 (US) needed to complete our perimeter wall? Our school is only a four hour drive from the original attack. Attacks like this remind us how volatile the world has become. It puts us on high alert for the safety and well-being of our students and staff.

If you would like to support this project, click here and select “Perimeter Wall Fund” from the drop-down menu.

Thank you for your love and partnership with us! We could not have achieved so much for the poor and vulnerable children of Kabale, Uganda without you.