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This August, our seventh-grade class participated in the Kabale District Exam Competition. The annual competition allows schools to measure the learning success of their students in preparation for the National Exams held in November. National Exam results are very important as they determine whether a student qualifies for high school. Students with the highest scores are often sought after by the best schools in the district. This early competition also allows teaching staff to revisit their teaching strategies and adjust if needed.

The students traveled to another local school for the competition. The host school was selected due to it having a large chapel where 200 students could sit at the same time to take their tests. Lunch was provided midway through the day. Our Director, Innocent Mucunguzi partook in the event along with our students.

Please join us in praying for the PPMU Seventh Grade Class of 2023 to receive high marks in preparation for high school.

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