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Dear Friends,
We cannot thank you enough for your love and support of Progressive Ministries Uganda. We truly believe God has a deep love for the poor. You can be certain God is using your partnership with us to rescue and change the lives of children who otherwise would have no opportunity to thrive.

God has faithfully provided for us since we opened the orphanage/school 10 years ago. Though our faith has been stretched at times, we have yet to be disappointed in God’s timing of provision. That’s why I’m happy to share this exciting ministry update! Many of you may recall Innocent’s fundraising trip to the U.S. this January. Below are two additional dividends that resulted from his efforts. Each of these milestones moves us closer to our goal of self-sustainability.

Phase 3 of the Classroom Building Project Fully Funded
New donations to our Building Fund will enable us to finish our Classroom Building Project. Construction on the three remaining classrooms begins April 1, 2023! The children are very grateful to have a safe and warm learning environment. Having new buildings affirms our school is thriving and is a source of support to the community of Kabale.

The cost for 10 new classrooms was over $80,000 (US). In 2021, we had funds to rebuild only three classrooms, so in faith, we began Phase 1. In 2022 and despite Covid19, giving continued so Phase 2 began, and four additional classrooms were rebuilt. Phase 3 addresses the last three classrooms and will bring the lengthy project to a close. What an incredible milestone! We thank God and our donors for making our dream a reality.
The photos above show the classrooms before & after the rebuild. Phase 3 classrooms (background) are shown in their original condition.

New Income Generating Activity - Ministry Taxi-Van
In 2020, a good friend bought us a seven-seater mini-van (see photo above). Its main purpose was to generate income via the tourism industry. Tourists could rent the van and our driver for sight-seeing activities. Unfortunately, Covid19 brought the Ugandan tourism industry to a complete halt. Local tourism remains sluggish producing minimal income, so we also use the van for student field trips, hospital visits, and food transport.

Self-sustainable options seemed to be shrinking until one of our Board members paid a visit to Kabale this February. He noticed public transportation is a thriving market as very few locals own their own vehicles. He and Innocent recommended we trade our seven-seater van for a 15-seater van and join the taxi-van industry. New donations offset trade-in costs, and the Board unanimously agreed! The larger taxi-van will begin generating income by the end of March. Profit will be used to offset operational funds, van maintenance fees, and/or special projects. We'll send an update with photos after the new van is acquired.

As you can see, the Lord is certainly blessing Progressive Ministries. Thank you again. Without your love and support, we would not be succeeding as we are.

God bless and keep you,

Jim Hilger
Chairman of the Board